Facebook bans Anti-Vaccination Ads to avoid misinformation

October 20, 2020

Yesterday, the Facebook team released a new global policy to ban Anti-Vaccination Ads. They took this major decision because these advertisements have demoralized people from getting vaccines.

Last year, the social media giant decided to create a strict policy on ads that give misinformation about vaccines. However, there was a chance of penalizing some authentic medical and health care suppliers.

Hence, the company along with the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have distinguished vaccine hoaxes that discourage individuals from getting a vaccine.

Facebook bans Anti-Vaccination Ads

Facebook bans Anti-Vaccination Ads

Facebook has already started to try out different ways to connect people with legitimate information about vaccines. At first, they have reduced the distribution of vaccine misinformation on the platform.

The team has also decreased the positions of Facebook groups and pages that spread falsehood about vaccinations in Search and News Feed. These pages are automatically removed from the recommendations.

As soon as the team discovers any anti-vaccination advertisement on its platform, they will dismiss it. The new Facebook policy will also remove any keyword that focuses mainly on vaccine controversies.

The company will also disable the Facebook ad accounts that abuse such anti-vaccination ad policies. Moreover, they will also not suggest any falsehood content on Instagram or hashtag pages.

Besides, they are even looking for new approaches to share educational information when individuals run over misinformation. In the coming days, Facebook will use several campaigns to effectively promote vaccination.

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You will also see some extra settings on Facebook to decide whether to read, share, or take part in discussions. People will get more precise data about vaccines from expert organizations.

Rob Leathern and Kang-Xing Jin, head of health, said that since it’ll take time to get the Coronavirus vaccine, the authorities think it is essential to get this flu vaccine this year to minimize the risk of COVID-19.

The Facebook head of health said that the company will give data about the Coronavirus vaccine. Additionally, they will also provide a Preventive Health tool on the Facebook mobile app.

They further added that users will also see vaccine updates and reminders in their news feed along with resources from wellbeing specialists. These options will roll out in all the countries in the next few days.

The Facebook move to ban anti-vaccination ads has come at a delicate time. People have no more trust in the news of the flu vaccine. But, President Trump has announced to deliver a working COVID-19 vaccine before Election Day.

The main aim of Facebook to ban these anti-vaccination ads is to assist people to get legitimate information about the security and adequacy of vaccines. Anti-vaccination advertisements with deception can harm general well-being endeavors.

Source: Facebook

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